Die Starter Pack Company is in 2007 gestig nadat 'n markbehoefte vir 'n spesialis multi-netwerk voorafbetaalde simverspreidingsverskaffer geïdentifiseer is. Die Maatskappy het sedertdien verder ontwikkel en vandag bied ons nie net voorafbetaalde simkaarte namens al die Suid-Afrikaanse sellulêre netwerke nie, maar bied ons ook RICA-funksionaliteit en die vermoë om produkte met toegevoegde waarde soos voorafbetaalde lugtyd, data te verkoop. en elektrisiteit.
Ons doel is om geleenthede vir alle Suid-Afrikaners te skep deur hulle te bemagtig om entrepreneurs te word deur hulle met mense en die wêreld om hulle te verbind. Ons glo daarin om ons kliënte die beste in markdiens, produkdiversiteit en POS-oplossings te bied teen die beste prys en is trots daarop om langtermynverhoudings te bevorder om te verseker dat ons winsgewende, volhoubare groei lewer.
As a RICA agent, you are responsible for the SIM activations that you perform or are performed using your RICA device.
You agree to validate a mobile phone subscribers’ details against their proof of identification (South African identity document or passport) ensuring that the subscriber resembles the photograph within.
You agree to verify the subscribers address by inspecting a bank statement, municipal rates and taxes invoice, telephone or mobile phone account not older than 3 months, or any other utility bill or an account of a retailer not older than 3 months, or an existing lease, rental or credit sale agreement, insurance policy, a current TV licence or a new motor vehicle licence document.
You undertake to capture a mobile phone subscribers /RICA particulars as accurately as possible.
You undertake to prevent fraudulent submissions of false registration information which may result in a RICA registration failure and a failed subscriber activation.
You agree to attend to the registration of a mobile phone subscriber in accordance with the requirements of the RICA act, and you understand that this requirement may change from time to time.
You agree to keep all the information disclosed to yourself by a mobile phone subscriber, confidential and will not disclose any RICA information to 3rd parties.
You undertake to perform a RICA registration on all persons to the best of your ability.
You warrant that the information provide is true and accurate.